The Adventures of Airstream Mikie

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pancakes at the beach, a major milestone!

Yesterday was a major milestone in the Airstream adventure: pancakes and sausages (veggie, of course) at the beach, for about some friends, using the generator to power the electric griddle. It was a great day, on balance, but there were several things I would improve for next time:

1. Set the party time for later in the day. 10AM is just too early because it is not reliably sunny and warm enough to be pleasant. Next time it will be a pancake brunch at noon or 1PM, instead of breakfast.

2. Only one cook in the kitchen! Can you imagine having 3+ people working in that tiny kitchen all at once? It was madness, of course, but it seems that they wanted to volunteer, and I was certainly not organized enough to be efficient, and I guess they noticed that, but that leads to improvement...

3. Invite fewer people. (There were 10 of us yesterday: Alex & Joni, Sean, Alexis, Peter, Joey & Carolina, Mark, Samm, me!) I'm thinking that 4 people is ideal, 6 people maximum.

4. Have the guests bring something. Chairs, beer, dessert, dishes, silverware, whatever.

5. Assign duties (photographer, "potty training", etc) and activities (hike, Frisbee, etc)

6. Checklist for various tasks. (I forgot the electric kettle because of no checklist.)

7. Handouts for the curious. Some people are captivated by the Airstream but I'm really not too excited about answering lots of questions ("How much does it weigh?" Really?) I'd like to create a printed handout to give to people who feel compelled to interrupt my solitude.

Overall, it was a great day, an auspicious beginning to a fine Airstream summer season...


  1. Once you get your basic checklist together. You can send it to me and I will laminate it for you. :) From one nerd to another....

    Sunday was just perfect.

    Thank you for being you!

  2. Mikie, you way over think this man. It was great. Just the right number of people. The timing was perfect, I mean, having champagne at 10am is the way I like to start my day. And I'm not quite sure but I think my skills in the kitchen have been insulted. I didn't see anyone throw my pancakes away! And being that close to you in the kitchen... well, a girl couldn't ask for much more.
