The Adventures of Airstream Mikie

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Where am I?

Where am I right now?

My exact current location will be private but most likely I'll be near a beach, along Highway 101 ("The Royal Road"), the coast road from San Diego to Vancouver, where it changes its name to the Alaskan Highway. That's vague, but hopefully conveys a sense of the geography, and the ecosystems in small seaside communities along the west coast of North America.

Treeless and flat and dry along the south coast, and forested, mountainous and wet in the north. A smorgasbord of weather!

Sometimes, when I'm On The Road, even I don't know where I am! Occasionally, when I wake up, I'll forget for a moment exactly where I am, especially after just changing locations. It's very unsettling when it happens, but of course it doesn't last long.

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